Building a Fireproof Life

Building a Fireproof Life

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” -Philippians 3:20 

A milli-moment. That’s all it takes for life to change, as we’ve all seen or experienced for ourselves in the latest So Cal wildfire tragedy. Loss and heartache were not on any vision board as goals were set and fresh routines for 2025 were established mere weeks ago. And yet, here we are. 

Whether we’ve personally endured this blaze of destruction, are still threatened by it, or have the luxury of helping and praying from the sidelines, I think it’s time for all of us to rebuild our priorities and pursuits, and examine where our confidence lies. 

When Paul addresses the church in Philippi, and reminds them of their heavenly citizenship, he does so within the historical context of Rome’s oppressive rule. Roman Emperors, in those days, saw themselves as “saviors” of their citizens. Yet time and again, Caesar proved to be a counterfeit savior. 

California citizens have brought up concerns over our government’s lack of preparation. I welcome these. The government promises to rebuild better and quickly. Perhaps, and I hope so.  

Regardless, I think we need something better to put our hope in than our homes, possessions, or our government. Something that cannot fail. Something that cannot be harmed by flames. We need a living hope – one that offers full assurance and unshakable confidence. 

Peter outlines such a source of hope in 1 Peter 3-7. Through Jesus, and Jesus alone, we have a new birth into a living hope and an inheritance that can never fade. Through this saving knowledge of Jesus, we have a source of infinite joy in God that carries us through all that threatens to destroy us (or does destroy all our earthly possessions). We have treasure that cannot be harmed by fire, flood, corruption, or time.  

For the believer, Paul would urge you to stand firm in the Lord. Remember, your hope is based on an unchanging God who does what he says he will do.

It can be so easy to get distracted. At times, I know I get overwhelmed by the world's volatility -  enticed by what it has to offer in one moment and so disappointed by its brokenness in the next. But Jesus is Lord and he will claim us to live with him, where our treasure is both beautiful and secure. Nothing can match it. Nothing can damage it. 

For the not yet believers, where else can you have this confidence? Where else can you have all you need for spiritual life and know it’s indestructible? Only through Christ can you have this living hope that transforms how we live, and promises eternal safety and security. 

So if we can get honest for a moment, where would you say your hope lies today? And how might your daily life and your annual goals shift if your hope was in the living God? That’s the key to building a fireproof life.  


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